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来源:学大教育 时间:2015-06-29 15:28:35


1) How can they possibly agree with you?  他们怎么会同意你呢?

2) Pat's results are in agreement with the textbook experiment.  柏德获得的实验结果和课本一致。

3) That is a very agreeable idea.  那是很棒的创意。

4) The board won't approve of the budget for this year's expenditures.  会议上将不会承认本年度的支出预算。

5) The president must have the approval of Congress to declare war.  总统若要宣战,必须获得国会的承认。

6) Will Martha's consent to her marriage?  玛莎的双亲会赞成她的婚事吗?

7) The Senator acceded to his defeat before the end of the election.  那位参议员在选举结束以前就承认落选了。

8) Who will comply with the unjust laws?  谁要遵守不正确的法律呢?

9) The defeated army must assent to the domination of the victors.  被打败的军队必须同意胜利军队的支配。

10) The facts coincide with Mark's story.  事实和马克的话吻合。  coincide 也有“偶然一致”的意思。

11) All the figures tally with the projected total.  合计和预算的总额一致。

12) Many people's feelings concur on the subject of freedom.  许多人的感情,在自由的问题上是一致的。

13) Do you have difficulty matching you feelings with words?  你是很难把自己的心意用言语表达吗?

14) The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices.  薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。

15) We are of the same mind, so let us act quickly.  我们心意一致,所以及早行动吧。

16) Those business partners are of equal mind on the matter.  那些企业的合伙人对这个问题的意向是一致的。

17) Although men are very different, often they have the same feelings.  人们虽然各自迥然不同,但是都具有相同的感情。

18) Don't you agree?  你不同意吗?

